Her works moves from contemporary dance to extend in the direction of the performing and visual arts.
As a dancer she studied in Toulouse, Paris, New York, Bali and Java, with masters like Wes Howard, Karin Waehner, Hans Zulig, Maggie Black, Cristina Formaggia and the dancers of Trisha Brown Dance Company and Merce Cunningham Dance Company.

From 1987 until ’98 she lived in Paris. She danced in the Companies of Andy De Groat, Fattoumi-Lamoureux, Bernardo Montet and took part in special projects of Philippe Decoufflé and Gladys Sanchez/Eric Wurzt.

Settled back in Vicenza she started her choreographic research, with the production of the pieces: Niňa (1998), Liebes Lied/Canto d’amore (1999), Anguane (1999), Perimetral (2000), Suite orientale (2001), Buio bianco (2001), Se terra se nebbia (2002).

She collaborated in projects of artists such as: Giorgio Fabbris, François Possémé and the group Complot, Gabriele Grotto, Giuseppe Dal Bianco, Pippo Gentile and Ullateatro, Matteo Maffesanti and Elevator Bunker.

She’s part of Jennifer rosa since its foundation in 2005

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