workshop here you are

meetings: Feb 24th – 25th – 26th – performance: Feb 26th, 2017 h 20.30

Jennifer rosa organizes in Vicenza a workshop aimed at the realization of the final public performance HERE YOU ARE.

HERE YOU ARE is a performance by Jennifer rosa. The scene is a completely dark photo set. The performer moves in the total darkness executing a movement score that the spectators cannot see, but only guess or imagine. Several times suddenly a light signal pulls the performer out of the action, compelling him/her to appear as quickly as possible in front of the camera, in order to be portrayed.

Through improvisation and instant composition, the workshop will provide paths to personal physical materials along with a work on a particular quality of presence, bare, concrete and reactive.
The exploration will also cover training on actions related to the act of photography.
The work will take place largely within a set in which each participant will play all the roles of the performance: the performative one and the photographic one.
It is aimed at people who have experience of physical work regardless of age and sphere of competence. Experience in the field of photography is not required.

HYA has so far been presented at the festival of contemporary photography F4 / un’idea di fotografia in Treviso and at the exhibition Impersonal Solo Show at Laconia Gallery in Boston (US).

fee: 120 € + Card cultural association Artemis

Info and registration: – tel. 348 0383281
at VOLL, via Luca Della Robbia, 19, Vicenza – IT

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